Doing sports we can really test our physical fitness in contest решу егэ
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However, some young people say that their tattoos and piercings make them feel attractive and give them an opportunity to show their individuality and to stand out from the crowd. Служба безопасности в международном аэропорту Денвера пытается защитить автомобили от вандализма и кражи, но есть новая угроза на открытой стоянке. Ru: Компания Apple решила пойти навстречу владельцам новых ноутбуков MacBook и MacBook Pro, столкнувшихся с проблемой залипания кнопок клавиатуры. It also influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views.
This is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. If your school days are behind you, you probably remember—in disturbing detail—the gym-class rite of passage: the Presidential Physical Fitness Test. However, can we live happily without having a hobby? In my opinion, a university degree gives students numerous advantages. Preparing for a test, meeting a deadline with a project can distract you from your personal goals. Ru: Компания Corsair анонсировала новую клавиатуру K70 RGB MK. I have just realised that at least six days out of seven, I do the amount of exercise that is recommended for those whose goal is a healthy lifestyle, just by walking during my daily routine. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. Как бы ты хотел туда попасть? Дефект будет устранен в сервисах Apple, притом, что очень странно, совершенно бесплатно для самого пользователя. In my opinion, a person can have an infinite number of friends. Вы услышите 6 высказываний.
Additionally, the Internet enables owners of small businesses to reach thousands of consumers with their products and services and helps to increase their sales and profits. I have 6 pen pals in 6 countries! Задание 2 Вы услышите диалог. So a green home will save energy as well as money in addition to having other health benefits.
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Fast food is very popular, especially among teenagers. Nevertheless, is such food healthy or should we avoid it? Firstly, such food is low in protein, vitamins and minerals. Secondly, fast food contains a lot of cholesterol. Cholesterol causes the production of a fatty plaque that clogs the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or a stroke. Thirdly, fast food is high in fat, sugar and calories and full of chemical additives. For example, a can of Coke contains about eight teaspoons of sugar and artificial sweeteners. People who are used to consuming several cans a day may suffer from diabetes, cancer and tooth decay. On the contrary, many people like fast food because it is tasty, cheap and ubiquitous. Besides, fast food can be prepared and served very quickly, so going to fast food restaurants helps to save time and money. They may become overweight or obese, which can lead to heart disorders and other health problems. To sum up, the food choices we make every day affect our health. We should avoid food that is rich in cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and saturated fats. If we want to stay healthy and to be in good shape, we should choose healthy, balanced and well-apportioned meals. Genetically modified foods have caused a lot of debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage. Some people say that GM foods have many benefits, however, there are ecological and human health concerns connected with GM foods. Are they safe or harmful to humans? Personally, I believe that GM foods have several benefits. Firstly, producers of GM food say that it has a number of advantages in terms of price, durability, and nutritional value. Secondly, GM crops provide benefits to the environment through a reduction in the use of pesticides. In addition, the recent rapid increase in human population has raised concerns that we will not be able to provide everybody with food. People may need additional food supplies, so GM foods may help to solve the world hunger problems. Nevertheless, some people prefer to avoid GM food. They say there is a possibility that GM foods may be harmful to humans. For example, introducing a gene into a plant may create a new allergen. Others fear that we may encounter new diseases. Anyway, I still believe that there is nothing to worry about. So far, there is no proof that GM foods are bad for your health. Besides, as GM crops are faster and cheaper to grow, it will be possible to increase production and lower the cost of food. To conclude, scientists should continue studying possible side effects connected with the consumption of GM foods. I think all countries must require GMO labelling, as consumers should be free to choose whether to buy GM foods or not. Nonetheless, I feel that there is no risk to human health. These days, being a vegetarian is rather popular. Some people say that they are thinking about becoming vegetarians because they want to become healthier and to live longer. However, do vegetarian diets really benefit your health? Personally, I believe that vegetarianism is not for everyone. Firstly, meat is very high in protein, which your body needs in order to grow and remain strong and healthy. Secondly, vegetarians often suffer from weakening of bones and depression. In addition, it must be rather difficult to be a vegetarian because you have to make sure the food products you buy do not contain ingredients derived from the slaughter of animals or ingredients not suitable for you. Nevertheless, some people think that it is cruel to eat animals. Apart from that, they say that a properly planned vegetarian diet is good for your health and helps to prevent certain diseases. Vegetarian diets offer lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein and higher levels of carbohydrates, fibre and antioxidants. Anyway, I still believe that people, especially children and teenagers, should eat meat and fish because they are nourishing and contain vitamins that make us stronger. What is more, many fruit and vegetables are harmful because they are full of pesticides. To sum up, it is up to you to decide whether to become a vegetarian or not. You should choose a diet that suits your personal health needs and body type. I think that a diet that contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein is better for your health. The organic food market is growing rapidly. Many people are willing to pay more for organic food. However, is it really worth the extra cost? To my mind, buying organic food is a waste of your money. Firstly, organic products cost 10 to 40% more than similar conventionally produced products. Secondly, there is no significant difference between organic and conventionally grown food in terms of safety and nutritional value. What is more, you cannot even taste the difference. Nevertheless, a lot of people choose to buy organic food for various reasons. First of all, organic foods are produced without using synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They do not contain neither chemical food additives nor genetically modified organisms. Secondly, some people believe that organic farming is less damaging to the environment. Organic farms use less energy and produce less waste. Anyway, I cannot agree with the second point of view. I think that organic pesticides are as damaging to the environment as synthetic pesticides. In addition, the increased land needed to farm organic food could destroy the rain forest and wipe out many ecosystems in the future. To sum up, people should remember that the food choices they make every day affect their health. Like any product, organic foods have both advantages and disadvantages; that is why it is important to weigh up all the pros and cons. Personally, I believe that organic food will hardly make us healthier, so there is probably no sense in buying it. New weight loss diets are constantly coming out. Those who are overweight or obese often follow weight loss diets, but they know very little about the possible consequences. The question arises whether weight loss diets are really effective and good for your health. Personally, I think that weight loss diets can damage your health. Firstly, they make it hard to get the daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Secondly, weight loss diets can cause fatigue and weaken the body's immune system. What is more, dieting can result in such eating disorders as anorexia or bulimia. However, some people lower their caloric intake in order to get thinner. They are convinced that it is possible to lose weight without going to the gym. Others are afraid that they may suffer different injuries while exercising. Anyway, I still believe that if you exercise regularly, you can eat whatever you want because you are burning it all off. There will be no need to reduce the amount of food you eat, and you will be in good shape and stay healthy. To sum up, it is well known that carrying extra weight is dangerous because it puts people at risk of developing many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Nevertheless, not all weight loss diets are good, and only some of them are the right ones for your personal health needs and body type. I believe that healthy weight loss results from both diet and exercise. Eating out is on the rise. Some people are too tired to prepare home-cooked meals at the end of a long, busy day, so they choose to eat out. However, is it really a good idea to eat in a restaurant instead of at home? I think there are many advantages of dining out. Firstly, at a restaurant you can try a variety of dishes that are difficult to prepare at home. Secondly, restaurants can introduce people to different cultures through food, music and decor. Thirdly, a restaurant is a good place for dates and business deals. A lot of people go to restaurants to celebrate special occasions, to get away from household chores and to focus on communication with family and friends. On the contrary, some people say that the healthiest meals are those that are cooked at home because they contain less salt and fat than restaurant food. Those who eat at home spend more time with their family members, which encourages family bonding. In addition, eating out can make a big hole in your savings. Anyway, I think that when people dine at home, they often eat quickly in order to return to their household chores or work. Eating out gives a family the chance to prolong the dinner hour and spend more time together. Besides, many restaurants today offer healthier food choices. To conclude, eating at home is a challenge if a person has a very busy schedule. It may be healthier and less expensive to cook your own meals. Nevertheless, dining out is a real pleasure with a wide and tempting choice of menus and venues at affordable prices. Fashion has a profound impact on society. Many people pay much attention to what they wear. However, is it so important to look stylish? Personally, I think that everyone should be pleasant to look at. First of all, it is well known that people are instinctively attracted to those who are well-dressed and good-looking. For example, teenagers who wear trendy clothes are more likely to become popular among their peers. Some young people are convinced that wearing designer labels helps them gain the admiration of their peers and find new friends. Secondly, beautiful and stylish clothes make us feel self-confident. What is more, well-dressed people have more chances to find a good job or to get a promotion. Nevertheless, some people do not pay much attention to their appearance. They say that it is not important what you look like or what you wear. Besides, keeping up with fashion is very expensive. Many people cannot afford to spend much money on trendy and designer clothes. Anyway, I still believe that when it comes to first impressions, appearance and clothes are very important. Right or wrong, what is on the outside sometimes matters as much as what is inside. To sum up, we often judge people by their looks. That is why if you want to make the right first impression, you should look nice. No matter how kind and intelligent you are, your physical appearance and clothes are still very important. People wear clothes to protect their body from extreme weather, insects, chemicals, and other hazards. However, the things that we wear also serve to attract attention and to express our individuality. Does it mean that we should pay more attention to our clothes? In my opinion, your clothes can make you different from other people. Firstly, the things that we wear help us show our feelings and ideas about life. For example, what young people wear is often connected with the music they listen to and their views on politics and social issues. Secondly, your clothes can tell other people much about your character and your attitude to yourself and those around you. For instance, those who like neutral colours do not like to stand out from the crowd and prefer to blend in with other people. Nevertheless, some people say that those who try to keep up with the latest fashions look exactly like everyone else instead of being who they really are. Anyway, I still believe that clothes give us much room for self-expression and help to form the perception people have of us. If you are well dressed, you can command instant respect and attention.. To conclude, you should choose your clothes according to your tastes, preferences and character. No matter where you are, your clothes send a message about you. That is why it is important to pay attention to what you look like and what you wear. An increasing number of schools are adopting a school uniform policy. Though the idea of uniforms seems relatively simple, a uniform programme causes controversy. Does that mean that schoolchildren should continue wearing regular clothes then? To my mind, wearing a school uniform has many benefits. Firstly, some teenagers wear clothes that are not appropriate at school such as short skirts or T-shirts with vulgar language. Secondly, those who ignore fashion rules set by their peers can be the victims of bullying at school when there is no dress code. School uniforms make all students look the same, regardless of social class or financial situation. Furthermore, a mandatory school uniform policy helps to increase students' self-esteem and promotes a feeling of community spirit within a school. However, some people are adamantly against uniforms in schools. Some schoolchildren are convinced that school uniforms violate their freedom of expression and their right to wear clothing that they consider comfortable and attractive. Apart from that, uniforms can be quite expensive for many families. Anyway, I believe that your unique gifts and personality traits go deeper than your clothes. I do not think that school uniforms are going to hide who you really are. In addition, some parents cannot afford to buy expensive clothes for their children, so school uniforms can prove to be a cheaper way of dressing schoolchildren. To sum up, the benefits of school uniforms should not be discounted. I think that all schools must have dress codes. The first thing people notice about employees is how they look. Some companies have dress codes, while others do not have set rules for their employees. However, do people really need any rules governing what they should wear in the workplace? In my opinion, there are many benefits of implementing a dress code policy. Firstly, dress codes eliminate inappropriate clothes such as ripped jeans, sweatpants or flip-flops. Having a dress code allows employees to understand what acceptable business attire is. Secondly, having a clearly defined dress code gives an air of professionalism to an organization. Thirdly, employees are more likely to feel that they are part of a team when they follow a dress code. Nevertheless, some people complain that they are not allowed to dress as they please in the workplace. They say that a business formal dress code does not enable them to experiment with prints and colours. Apart from that, it is not easy to choose clothes and accessories that are tasteful and work-appropriate. Anyway, I think that dress codes do not prevent employees from maintaining their own style. Dress codes just show them the parameters in which they must fit. Besides, some companies set aside days when workers are allowed to wear casual clothes. To conclude, you have to create a professional image if you want to tell your employer that you take your job seriously. Companies create dress codes to ensure their employees are dressed appropriately, to maintain a proper company image and to prevent distractions in the workplace. In the past, people had to wear fur to survive as it insulated their bodies against the cold while they were hunting for food or looking for shelter. Today, many people like fur because it is luxurious and warm; however, others consider buying and selling furs morally reprehensible. The question arises whether it is ethical to wear furs. Personally, I object to wearing real furs. First and foremost, I believe that a fur coat represents the cruelty to defenceless animals. Millions of foxes, rabbits, minks, beavers, and chinchillas are confined in cages and then killed on fur farms. Secondly, fur coats, hats and shawls are very expensive. Besides, the cost of maintenance is rather high. You will have to take your fur coat to a professional fur cleaner once a year, regardless of whether it is worn or stored in your closet. Nevertheless, many people choose to buy fur coats and hats. For some of them wearing furs is a way to show their opulence. Having a fur coat is a symbol of wealth and success. Others say that nothing feels like real fur, and nothing really keeps you as warm. Anyway, there are a lot of expensive-looking fake furs in numerous shops. These days, we do not have to wear fur to stay warm and to look stylish. To sum up, if people were educated about the way in which animals are treated and then killed to make a fur coat, they would probably no longer want one. We should remember that there are many alternatives to fur. Tattooing and piercing are popular in many parts of the world and seem to never go out of fashion. Some people proudly display their tattoos and piercings, while others say that they are repelling. Is it a good idea to have your body pierced or to get a picture that is permanently marked on your skin? Personally, I am against tattoos and body piercings. Firstly, I think that they do not make people more beautiful. Secondly, doctors warn people about possible dangers of tattooing and piercing, including bacterial infection and allergic reactions. These procedures are painful and risky. In addition, most employers do not want their employees to have tattoos and piercings because it gives them an air of unprofessionalism. However, some young people say that their tattoos and piercings make them feel attractive and give them an opportunity to show their individuality and to stand out from the crowd. Tattooing and piercing allow young people to express themselves creatively. Others get tattooed to mark important events in their lives. Anyway, I still believe that most tattoos and body piercings are unattractive. Besides, no matter how much you like your new tattoo or piercing, you may have a change of heart a few years later or straight away. Nevertheless, tattoos are permanent, and removing them often leaves unsightly scars. To conclude, those who want a tattoo or a body piercing should think about all the risks involved. You may admire the huge dragon on your back, but other people may dislike it. If you want to improve your job prospects and to stay healthy, you would better leave your body unadorned. Tourism has taken off in recent years. Some people think that tourism has many benefits, while others say that it causes a load of problems. Is tourism a blessing or a curse? I believe that tourism is extremely beneficial. Firstly, it brings profit to the local and regional areas and creates jobs at the local, state and government levels. Secondly, local festivals and cultural events have been developed and supported because of heavy tourist participation, and many buildings and monuments have been renovated. What is more, experiencing different cultures is interesting and educational for tourists. However, some people are not optimistic about tourism. They say that some beaches and resorts are uncomfortably crowded, and the historic centres of world-famous cities are becoming occupied by thousands of tourists. Besides, tourism can disrupt ecosystems and environments. For example, a lot of beaches and lagoons are being destroyed to make room for hotels and restaurants. Nevertheless, today more and more people are becoming interested in ecotourism, which promotes recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and the safe disposal of waste and garbage. Therefore, tourism can provide an impetus for the conservation of pristine areas otherwise vulnerable to industrial development. To conclude, tourism should be responsible, and it should promote knowledge and understanding. Tourists must respect local cultures and try to minimize the negative influence of tourism on the environment. I think that the problems caused by tourism can be solved if we make every effort to preserve our environment. School trips serve to expand students' learning experience. They can be fun for both teachers and students, but school trips have some disadvantages and may involve some risk, too. Do school trips really help students to learn and to understand the real world? Personally, I think that school trips are very interesting and educational. Firstly, school trips give students a chance to acquire new information, to improve their knowledge, to apply different skills and to gain new insight into various subjects. Secondly, school trips break up the monotony of the classroom routine and enable students to see how their classwork applies to everyday life. What is more, school trips put schoolchildren in real-life scenarios and require observation, investigation, and communication with other people. However, some people are against school trips. Some parents and teachers are afraid that they might deal with emergencies, or that schoolchildren might suffer some harm. Apart from that, school trips are often expensive and difficult to organize. Nevertheless, statistics show that school trips are usually safe for students because the school takes measures to minimize the possibility of anything going wrong. Besides, some school trips do not cost parents a penny. To sum up, a school trip is a good way to support a student's classroom learning experience. Educational trips allow schoolchildren to apply what they have learned at school to real-world situations and enable teachers to keep their students educated and entertained. I believe that there is no better way to create memorable learning experiences, to foster team building and to motivate students to acquire knowledge. Ecotourism is growing in popularity. It gives tourists a chance to learn about the area that they visit in a way that will not damage the environment. However, is ecotourism as beneficial to the environment and local communities as it seems to be? I think that there are many reasons to promote ecotourism. Firstly, the main aims of ecotourism are recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and the safe disposal of waste and garbage. Secondly, ecotourism contributes to the economic development of local communities. Tourists provide local people with work, use local transportation, inns and markets, and make voluntary contributions. In addition, funds generated from ecotourism are used to establish and maintain national parks and nature reserves. Nevertheless, some people say that ecotourism does have some disadvantages. Firstly, the increasing number of tourists can lead to the expansion of infrastructure. As a result, many parts of the natural environment may be destroyed to make room for commercial tourist structures. What is more, native people are often exploited for cheap labour. Anyway, I think that ecotourism can provide an impetus for the conservation of pristine areas. It teaches tourists to respect local cultures and to travel with little impact on the environment. Besides, local resorts can build properties that will not harm the indigenous flora and fauna. To conclude, ecotourism gives people a chance to enjoy the natural wonders of the environment and to experience new culture and traditions. It aims at conserving the environment, teaching tourists to reduce their negative impact on ecosystems and improving the well-being of local people. I think ecotourism brings worldwide awareness to endangered species and pristine locations. Today, we use cars and public transport to travel faster. As a result, we walk very little and spend less time travelling. Nevertheless, does it mean that we need not use our legs anymore? In my opinion, the best way to view and discover most towns and cities is on foot. Firstly, when you travel on foot, you can see much more on your way. You can stop wherever you want and drop into a cafe or a shop. Secondly, travelling on foot is by far the cheapest mode of transportation and sometimes even the fastest because walking allows you to avoid traffic jams. What is more, walking is an excellent physical exercise that strengthens the immune system. However, some people are against travelling on foot. Firstly, the weather can change from sunny to rainy, and if you have left your umbrella at home, you will get soaked to the skin and may catch a cold. Apart from that, while travelling in big cities, you may be attacked by muggers or get run over by a car. Anyway, I think that if you take time to plan your routes and put everything you may need into your backpack, you will certainly enjoy your walking tour. Besides, tourists must be careful when crossing roads and keep their valuables in a safe place. To sum up, travelling on foot is much healthier than travelling by car or by bus. While walking, you will be able to see many attractions and to take photos. I think that a walking tour is a great way to see the sights of towns and cities. Today, almost every family has a car. Some people say that travelling by car is very convenient, while others think that driving a car has many disadvantages. The question arises whether cars have changed our lives for the better or for the worse. Personally, I cannot imagine our lives without cars. First and foremost, cars give people personal independence. They allow them to travel at their own convenience without having to rely on public transport. Secondly, car-owners can avoid crowds and reduce travel time. What is more, having a car gives you a sense of stability and financial security. However, some people say that we could be better off without cars. One of the major disadvantages of driving a car is traffic, which can make you late for important events and business meetings. Furthermore, cars are more dangerous them other means of transport, and thousands of people die in car crashes each year. Anyway, I think that people who walk or bike are at a greater risk of everything from getting robbed to being run over by a vehicle. When you are in a car, you do not have to worry about the weather or being attacked by others. To sum up, driving a car is a convenient and fast way of getting from one place to another. If you have your own car, you are not dependent on walking, biking, asking others to give you a ride, and taking cabs or public transport. You can go wherever you want and whenever you want, without being dependent on anyone else. Nowadays the world seems like a smaller place because of reduced travel times. Many people say that air travel has a lot of advantages in terms of time and quality. Nevertheless, is it really the best option for travellers? Personally, I like travelling by plane. Firstly, it is the fastest way to get anywhere. Air travel helps me to save plenty of time and gives me an opportunity to visit out-of-the-way parts of the world. Secondly, travelling by plane is enjoyable and comfortable. I can use travel time to look through the porthole, to listen to music, to read a book or to take a nap. In addition, travel tickets are easy to book online. Anyway, some people say that air travel has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it always takes much time to get to the airport, to check in, to have your baggage weighed and to board. Secondly, travelling by air is often more expensive than travelling by other means of transport. In addition, some people doubt that travelling by plane is safe. However, in fact flying remains among the safest forms of travel. It is well known that the number of fatalities caused by road or rail accidents is much higher than that of airlines. Besides, air travel is no longer a luxury because of the reduced costs. To conclude, airplanes enable people to travel across the world in a matter of hours. Air travel is getting more and more convenient and reliable. It gives us an opportunity to relax and to enjoy travel. People use public transportation to get around the city. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to taking the bus or train to work or school. Is public transportation a blessing or a curse? Personally, I do not like public transportation for a number of reasons. First of all, buses and trains can be overcrowded, especially during rush hour. Secondly, you always have to design your schedule around that of the bus or train. What is more, buses may not always go to specific locations on small streets. Sometimes I need a secondary source of transportation or have to walk some distance to arrive at my final destination. However, some people say there are good reasons to use public transportation. Firstly, it is cheaper than driving and maintaining your own car. Secondly, people can use the commute time to work or relax. In addition, using public transportation instead of driving a car is less damaging to the environment as it helps to reduce carbon emissions. Anyway, beside buses, there are still thousands of cars on the road. They emit exhaust simultaneously and cause traffic. Besides, I do not think it is easy to relax in a filthy bus or train that is packed with angry commuters. To sum up, most cities need to improve their public transportation. The main disadvantage of using public transportation is that you depend on a bus or train to get you where you need to go. If you want to avoid crowds and save your time, you had better travel by car. Hitchhiking allows a person to travel by getting free rides from drivers of passing cars. This might sound like an exciting experience; however, many people are wary about this means of travel. The question arises whether hitchhiking is a dangerous adventure or a good way to reduce your road expenses. In my opinion, hitchhiking is very risky. Firstly, you have to ride with total strangers. There have been cases of hitchhikers being attacked or killed. Besides, hitchhikers may end up in a deserted or unfamiliar area. Secondly, those who stand too close to the road may become victims of a car accident. Another disadvantage of hitchhiking is that you may spend hours standing on the roadside and watching cars pass you by. Nevertheless, some people say that hitchhiking is a good way to reduce road expenses. It is also for people who do not own a vehicle and cannot get a ride from a friend or relative. In addition, hitchhiking gives travellers a chance to meet new people and to make friends. Anyway, in some countries drivers expect hitchhikers to pay them for the ride. Besides, there is a possibility that you may meet a bad person or lose valuable belongings. Hitchhiking can lead to kidnapping, robbery, rape or murder. To sum up, hitchhiking is more affordable than any other form of travel. Nonetheless, hitchhikers are at the mercy of strangers. That is why I would prefer to travel safely with my family and friends rather than put myself in such a position. Today, many people are fond of travelling to exotic countries. Holidaymakers are interested in doing something different and want more exciting travel. However, are exotic counties really worth visiting? I think exotic travel has a lot of benefits. Firstly, in exotic countries you can do many interesting things. For example, you can ride a camel or an elephant, admire historical monuments, go on safari and take up sailing, parasailing, jet skiing or scuba diving. Secondly, exotic travel can be very educational, and it can lead to a totally new understanding of diverse cultures and lifestyles. In addition, in exotic countries tourists can enjoy good service in high quality hotels. Nevertheless, some people say that exotic travel has some disadvantages. Firstly, in exotic countries you are more susceptible to different diseases. Besides, travelling to exotic counties is rather expensive. Anyway, those travelling to exotic countries should be vaccinated to lessen their chances of contracting serious diseases. English is widely spoken in many exotic countries. Besides, if you travel to exotic destinations during the off-season, you will be able to reduce your expenses. To conclude, travelling to exotic countries can be very rewarding. It gives tourists a chance to discover new things and to participate in exciting activities. I think that if you once visited exotic countries, you will want to return again and again to your favourite exotic destinations. International travel can be a very exciting experience. However, in a foreign country you may encounter difficulties that you would not face at home. The question arises whether international travel is worth the costs and challenges. I think there is hardly anything more interesting and exciting than a journey to a foreign country. Firstly, travelling abroad gives you a chance to gain an incredible learning experience. You will be able to see different places, to meet new people, to increase your knowledge of history and geography and to experience new lifestyles and cultures. Secondly, travelling to foreign countries is an ideal opportunity to begin to learn a new language. Additionally, international travel helps you to gain a new perspective on life and yourself. Nevertheless, some people say that international travel is often associated with some problems and risks. Firstly, those who are going abroad will have to obtain a passport and apply for a tourist visa, which may take several weeks to get. Secondly, travelling abroad is rather expensive. Moreover, it can turn into a nightmare if you become the victim of robbery or another crime. Anyway, if tourists take some simple safety precautions and learn the local laws and customs, they will be able to enjoy their journey and to stay safe. Besides, a lot of people travel internationally for cheap. To sum up, you may be surprised to find out how greatly other countries differ from your own country, not just in language, but also in other aspects. International travel is exciting and educational. I think that it can reward you in many ways. Train travel is becoming more and more popular. Many vacationers find travelling by train enjoyable, while others say that train travel has a lot of disadvantages. Should we travel by train instead of by car or plane? In my opinion, train travel has many advantages. Firstly, when you travel by train, you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. While you are not driving, you have time to do other things. For example, you can walk around, look through the windows, sleep, read or socialize with your fellow-passengers. Secondly, you do not have to deal with bad weather, heavy traffic, turbulence or jet lag. What is more, as trains are electrically powered, they are less harmful to the environment than other forms of transport. However, some people say that they do not like travelling by train. Firstly, they always have to stand in a queue for a long time to buy train tickets. Secondly, when you travel by train, you cannot stop where you want. Finally, travelling by train is not very convenient if the trip is long. Of course travelling by train is not as fast as travelling by plane, but it is the only option for those who do not like to fly. In addition, you can book travel tickets online. To conclude, train travel will continue to attract passengers because it is fast, comfortable and safe. Travelling by train gives you a chance to enjoy beautiful scenery and to find out more about the places you are visiting. I believe that train travel may be the best option for passengers. Travelling is an exciting adventure, which can become even more thrilling if you travel by ship. Some people say that travelling by ship has many advantages. However, is it the best option for passengers? Personally, I like travelling by ship. Firstly, the ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions, which allows you to see more places than just your final destination. Secondly, when you travel by ship, you do not have to change different means of transport, and you will certainly avoid traffic jams. Thirdly, cruise ships provide food, drinks and entertainment for travellers. They can offer well-known celebrities, bands and performance artists. Nevertheless, those who are interested in vacationing aboard a cruise ship are often worried about the cost. Other people say that a cruise ship may not allow you to explore destinations in depth because you often have limited time in the area that you would like to explore. In addition, many people suffer from seasickness when out on the water. Anyway, if you drink a lot of water and do not sit in a cramped cabin, you can reduce the chances of getting seasick. Moreover, you should budget for your trip and book in advance in order to avoid any problems. To sum up, while you are aboard the ship, you will have plenty of time for reading, writing, playing games and socializing with your friends and loved ones. Travelling by ship is fast and comfortable. I think it is the best way of travelling for those who want to enjoy getting to their destinations as much as being there. In the past, only rich people and celebrities went abroad to obtain health care. Nonetheless, the average person can have many medical procedures done in other countries nowadays. However, are foreign hospitals worth the trip abroad? To my mind, medical tourism has a number of advantages. Firstly, it can be cheaper to receive medical treatment in another country. Some countries offer first class service at half the price. Secondly, a lot of people go abroad in order to avoid long waiting periods. In such countries as the USA or Britain a person may wait for a certain medical procedure for a year or even longer. Nevertheless, in other countries patients can receive the needed treatment immediately. Moreover, medical travel gives people an opportunity to do some sightseeing and to relax on the beach while they recover. On the contrary, some people worry about the quality of health care they will receive in other countries. It can be difficult to determine whether your doctor is well qualified, and whether your hospital is a first-rate institution. Besides, exposure to foreign diseases can be a hazard to weakened patients. Anyway, I still believe that there are many excellent doctors and hospitals in foreign countries, and you may get better care if you go abroad. To sum up, thousands of people benefit from medical tourism. The advantages include lower prices, first-rate care, less wait times, some post-operative rest and relaxation, and luxurious accommodations. If you take time to check whether the doctors, the hospital and the staff are first-rate, you can get excellent care abroad. Friendship is one of the most important human relationships. Some people say that they have hundreds of acquaintances, but creating and maintaining a true friendship may prove difficult. Do we really need friends and can we live without them? I am convinced that we cannot live without friends. Firstly, friendship is very important for a person's emotional well-being. We give our time and energy to our friends because it brings us something in return: trust, support, intimacy, sympathy, and understanding. Secondly, you can talk to your friends about anything without fear of being judged. Thirdly, a true friend will help you if you are in poor health, if you have relationship or financial problems or just feel depressed. However, some people think that friends can complicate their lives because you need time and energy to build and maintain friendships. Such people say that life without friends is easier and pain free. Besides, some people think that their friends may judge or criticize them. Anyway, I believe that a true friend always accepts you as you are and never tries to change you. Those who have no friends feel lonely and isolated, which can cause stress and affect their physical health. To conclude, it is stressful to live in the world of strangers. Friends give us a sense of being protected, emotional comfort, and moral support. Maintaining friendships takes time and effort, but a true friendship is worth of it. Having friends is important for everyone. Some people may have hundreds of friends, while others have only one close friend. However, how many friends do we really need? In my opinion, a person can have an infinite number of friends. The more friends you have, the happier you are. Firstly, your friends care about you and will offer to help any time of day or night. Secondly, your friends are always there when you need a shoulder to cry on. Moreover, if one of your friends is not contactable and you need somebody to talk to, you can call another friend, and he or she will rush to help you. Nevertheless, some people think that it is better to have only one close friend. Having many friendships to maintain takes much time and energy. You have to schedule time for all your friends, remember their telephone numbers, birthdays and anniversaries and pay attention to what is going on in their lives. In addition, some people say that a true friend is someone who you know very well, so not everybody you socialize with can be called your friend. Anyway, I believe that communicating with your friends and taking an interest in their lives is definitely not a waste of time because it brings us much in return. To conclude, I doubt that a person can have close emotional ties with hundreds of people, but everybody can certainly have more than one true friend. You can lean on them for support, and the more friends you have, the happier and more confident you are. Some people think that two individuals develop friendship if they have similar tastes, interests and life philosophies. However, many people find themselves drawn to those who have different perspectives and values. So, can opposites become friends? I believe that opposites attract. Firstly, when we meet other people, we often look for qualities that we ourselves do not have, but that we wish we possessed. That is why we sometimes gravitate towards people who have completely different characters. Secondly, opposites often complement each other well. For example, a talkative person may like to communicate with a taciturn friend who can listen attentively. Moreover, if two people are too much alike, their relationship may get boring. Nevertheless, other people say that there must be activities that friends can share together. If you have the same interests as your friend, you will spend more time together and have a lot of things to discuss. Besides, if two friends are complete opposites, they will have to work harder at building and maintaining their relationship than those who have much in common. Anyway, I think that similar tastes and interests do not guarantee that two individuals will become friends. Some people seem to have much in common, but they cannot or do not want to strike up a friendship. To conclude, a friendship between opposites may be challenging, but many people are willing to accept the challenge. Some people appear to be incompatible on the surface, yet they find a way to build a close friendship. Those who are different from you can still become your friends. Creating and maintaining friendships can be one of the most important things in life. However, there are friendships that last and those that end. Is there anything that can make true friends grow apart? Personally, I think nothing can make a true friendship end. Firstly, close friends always feel that they need each other. That is why they are afraid of losing their touch and do their best to maintain their friendship. Secondly, true friends are flexible about their friendship. When circumstances change, for example, one person gets married or has a baby, their relationship does not become less close. On the contrary, true friends try to spend more time together and to help each other. Furthermore, close friends accept the other person's foibles and flaws. Nevertheless, some people say that there are many ways to ruin a friendship. Firstly, friends may have a few disagreements, which may lead to quarrels. In addition, some people say that money often ruins friendships. If you get a well-paid job, your friend may envy you, which will put a strain on your relationship. Anyway, I believe that true friends will never poison their friendship with envy. Besides, a true friend will always forgive you for harsh words and will find a way to resolve conflicts. To conclude, close friends will not drift away no matter what may happen. Instead, they will find new ways to stay close to each other. I think that a true friendship is strong enough to last forever. Love is something that everybody wants to feel. Falling in love is exciting, but there are a lot of problems, too. When a new relationship starts, many people wonder how it can influence their lives. In my opinion, falling in love is one of the greatest thrills. First of all, love is intoxicating. Just the thought of the person you love gives you an intense feeling of joy and excitement. Secondly, when people are in love, they become more optimistic. It is difficult to make them angry because they no longer pay attention to those things which were a constant source of irritation in the past like traffic jams or a grumpy colleague. In addition, those who are in love often feel creative, energetic, and exhilarated. However, some people think that falling in love might cause them pain. They may feel confused and scared, especially if they have been hurt before. Others try to avoid falling in love because they are not prepared for meaningful relationships or fear that their love will not be returned. Besides, falling in love may lead to giddiness, loss of sleep and appetite, restlessness, and foolish behaviour. Anyway, I believe that those who are afraid of being hurt may never know true happiness. I do not think that being in love means being stupid or gullible. To my mind, it means being gentle and considerate. To sum up, love is a very strong feeling that can change people completely. Those who are in love experience a torrent of positive emotions. I believe that nothing can make a person happier than mutual love. Almost everyone experiences jealousy at some point in life. Jealousy is a powerful emotion that can be damaging to relationships. Is it all right to feel jealous or should people try to overcome it? In my opinion, jealousy can cause huge problems. First of all, it arouses negative emotions like sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, and a feeling of insecurity. Secondly, jealousy may lead to irrational behaviour, a lack of intimacy, a permanent lack of trust, and fights. In extreme cases, jealousy leads to aggressive behaviour and violence. What is more, having a jealous partner is exhausting because everything you do will be interpreted wrongly. However, some people say that jealousy is a sign of love. It can also encourage people to appreciate each other and to make a greater effort to ensure that the person they love feels special. Nevertheless, while jealousy in small amounts can heighten emotions, irrational jealousy can be destructive. It damages relationships and can even cause them to end. I believe that unselfish and self-confident people are incapable of jealousy. Jealousy makes people feel frustrated and unhappy. That is why we should learn to control jealousy; otherwise, it will result in low self-esteem, distrust or even separation. Most people dream of becoming rich. Some believe that money can make them powerful, independent and happy, while others think that money may cause them more worries than anything else. The question arises whether money can solve all problems. In my opinion, wealth does not relate to happiness. Firstly, life of the rich is full of dangers. They have to spend much money on security, but in spite of all the measures that they take, they are often robbed, kidnapped or even killed. Secondly, those who have a lot of money are often lonely and unhappy because other people often try to take advantage of them. Thirdly, money can do more harm than good if it is used irresponsibly or for purchases like alcohol or drugs. However, some people think that the rich live lavish and irresponsible lives. They can take vacations when they want and buy expensive cars, large mansions, private jets, and other luxury items. Additionally, money can give you increased access to excitement and entertainment. Wealthy people can visit exotic countries, dine at the best restaurants and stay in five-star hotels. Anyway, I think that lying on a beach, sailing a luxury yacht or riding in a limousine may be fun for a short time, but it is not likely to provide long-term satisfaction. Besides, most wealthy people cannot relax and enjoy themselves because they must run their business and make investment decisions all the time. To sum up, there are more important things in life them money. No matter how rich you are, you cannot buy happiness or good health. I think that people should be satisfied with what they have. Teenagers need pocket money for various things like eating out, going to the movies or buying new DVDs. Many parents are ready to open their wallets, while some of them do not think it is necessary for their kids to have their own money. The question arises whether it is a good idea to give pocket money to teenagers. I think there are a lot of advantages of giving pocket money to young people. Firstly, getting money can teach teenagers money management skills. They learn to budget and to save. Secondly, some parents give chores to their children so that they can earn some extra pocket money. As a result, teenagers learn that getting money can be hard work. Additionally, when teenagers have their own money, they realize how much things cost and learn to make smart choices. However, some people say that pocket money may cause a number of problems, too. If teenagers have too much money, they can become victims of bullying. Besides, it is difficult for parents to control what their children spend their pocket money on. For example, they may buy junk food or adult magazines. Anyway, I think that parents should learn to trust their children. By giving pocket money to teenagers, parents show them that they are mature enough to handle the responsibility. This is a way to build a bond between parents and their children. To conclude, getting pocket money can help teenagers to learn skills that will be useful later in life. Money teaches them to be more responsible and independent. I think that young people should be free to spend their money on what they want. Today, many people want to make quick money without doing much work. They hope that the Internet will help them to become rich. However, is it possible to earn millions with the Internet? I think there are numerous ways to make money online. Firstly, you can be employed by an internet company. Many people make a living building websites, sending spam, writing reviews or articles, or putting advertisements on a web page. Secondly, you can begin your own business on the Internet. For example, you can create your own website and sell your own product. Additionally, the Internet enables owners of small businesses to reach thousands of consumers with their products and services and helps to increase their sales and profits. Nevertheless, some people say that it is not easy to get rich with the Internet. Firstly, there is usually a lot of competition on the Internet. Companies offer thousands of goods at a cheaper price, which can make it difficult for a new e-business to get off the ground. Besides, it makes much time and effort to build up e-businesses, and the income may be very small. Anyway, one of the advantages of an online business is its low start-up costs. One will not have to spend much money on web page construction and maintenance. To conclude, Internet businesses take time to grow and face stiff competition. Although some people are getting rich and sometimes quickly, it might be naive to think that the Internet can help you make millions in a few days. Of course, if you work hard, there is a chance that you will succeed. Teenagers need money to buy things that they want. Some parents encourage their children to work so that they have their own source of money, while others disapprove of teenagers working. The question arises whether having a job is beneficial to young people. I think that teenagers should earn their own money. Firstly, young people with jobs learn to manage money and know its value. Secondly, teenagers who work can contribute to the household income, which takes some of the financial burden off their parents. Moreover, those who work hard to earn money are less likely to buy expensive clothes or electronic gadgets. They are more careful not to lose their money or lend it to their friends. However, some people say that teenagers who earn money and use it at their discretion may spend every penny on clothes, makeup, or socializing. If their parents do not teach them how to budget and save, they may develop unhealthy spending habits. Besides, some people think that teenagers can learn money management skills if they are given pocket money. Anyway, young people often need more money than their parents can give them. Teenagers with jobs earn larger amounts of money and learn to spend it wisely. I think young people are more responsible with the money that they have earned. To conclude, having a job helps teenagers learn more about personal and financial responsibility. They learn how to save money for the things they want to buy and how to make smart financial decisions. I think teenagers are more careful with money when it is not just handed to them whenever they ask. Today, people have many options for spending their free time. Some people prefer doing something that actually interests, relaxes or excites them such as painting or playing sports, while others admit that they do not have a hobby. However, can we live happily without having a hobby? In my opinion, everybody should have a hobby. Firstly, hobbies help us to relax and reduce stress. For example, yoga, knitting and gardening help to calm your nerves and to relieve tension after a hard day. Secondly, having a hobby can lead to acquiring skills, knowledge, and experience. Our interests enrich our lives and help us to gain a better understanding of how the world works. Besides, hobbies give people much room for self-expression. Nevertheless, some people say that having a hobby takes much time and energy, and they cannot fit their interests into their busy schedules. In addition, sometimes we have to dedicate plenty of money to the activities that we enjoy doing. Anyway, I believe that if you are fond of doing something, you will willingly give much attention and effort to your interests. Some people even manage to turn hobbies like photography, painting or writing into moneymaking businesses. To sum up, hobbies make our lives more interesting and provide many social and health benefits. They play a very important educational role, improve our physical and mental health and provide us with motivation to increase our knowledge and to improve our skills. In my opinion, all hobbies are beneficial, though it is not always easy to find the right one. Playing computer games is one of the most popular hobbies today. Computer games are constantly becoming more lifelike and complex, which is the main reason why many people can play for hours. However, is it really a good idea to spend so much time with only a computer for company? In my opinion, computer games have a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, their developers have been accused of the depiction of graphic violence, sexual themes, consumption of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, bad language, propaganda, and profanity. Secondly, many games encourage violent behaviour, blur the difference between right and wrong and cause addiction. Moreover, computer games make children and teenagers unsociable and passive. Nevertheless, some people say that computer games give them a chance to forget about their everyday problems and to plunge into exciting adventures. Besides, computer games are meant not only for entertainment. Anyway, I still believe that playing computer games is not the best way to spend your free time. Spending much time in front of the screen leads to decreased physical activity and social interaction with others. We should not forget that reading, exercising and spending time with our friends are much more worthwhile things. To conclude, playing computer games may be fun, but we should be aware of the time we spend. Ardent gamers tend to enjoy virtual reality more than anything else, which can cause them numerous problems. I think that those who are fond of computer games should make sure that they leave plenty of time in their lives for other interesting and useful activities. Most teenagers complain that lessons, homework and household chores make them feel tired. They say that they need more leisure time to relax and to do activities that they enjoy. However, is it a good idea to give teenagers more free time? In my opinion, teenagers should have plenty of time for various activities such as sports, hobbies, excursions, drama clubs or music. Firstly, they give young people much room for self-expression and help them acquire skills, knowledge, and experience. Secondly, teenagers who miss out on healthy and educational activities as well as on having fun with their peers may feel isolated and depressed. What is more, teenagers who are not involved in any leisure activities find it difficult to make new friends and to communicate with other people. Nevertheless, some people say that if teenagers are given much free time, they may waste it on socializing with their friends, having parties or playing computer games. Besides, some teenagers may try drugs or join gangs to battle boredom, which results in health problems, falling grades, violent behaviour and run-ins with the law. Anyway, I think that if parents know how their children spend their free time, teenagers are less likely to exhibit risky behaviour. Getting teenagers involved in useful activities will help to make them interested in positive things. To conclude, there are many interesting things that have educational value and provide entertainment for teenagers. Leisure activities help young people to become healthier and more sociable. I think teenagers should be involved in various activities and try new things until they find something they like. Some years ago people read books if they wanted to gather information on a certain topic. However, the advent of the Internet has changed everything: it provides a totally different and unique method of accessing information, so we can find whatever we need without having to buy a book. The question arises whether reading books is still necessary. Personally, I think that reading books is still important. Firstly, it is one of the cheapest and most satisfying forms of entertainment. Secondly, reading is an excellent way to reduce stress and a healthy means of escapism. Books transfer you to other countries and continents, introduce you to amazing people and make you laugh and cry. Thirdly, reading can help you improve your vocabulary and develop your analytical and critical thinking skills. Nevertheless, some people say that reading was one of the few ways to pass the time in the past, but today they know how to use their leisure time. Many people prefer doing something that interests, relaxes or excites them, ranging from doing extreme sports to playing computer games. Besides, some people think that the fewer books they buy the more trees they save. Anyway, I still believe that there is nothing like a good book to help you relax. Additionally, if you are bored with traditional print books and consider yourself a technologically advanced person, e-books are for you. To conclude, the book is an inexhaustible source of information and entertainment. You will hardly feel lonely or bored with an interesting book in your hands. Collecting things has always been very popular. Some people think that collecting is a useless hobby, while others may become avid collectors. However, is collecting things really worth the time and effort? In my opinion, collecting is a very useful pastime. Firstly, it can lead to acquiring knowledge. For example, if you collect coins, you may learn many interesting facts about foreign currency. By reading about the things you collect, you add to what you know. Secondly, collecting encourages communication and gives you a chance to meet like-minded people. In addition, if you are fond of collecting, your friends and family will not have to rack their brains, trying to find you a gift that you would like. Nevertheless, some people think that there are some disadvantages to collecting. Firstly, it usually takes much time to find items for your collection. You will have to look for sellers and other collectors or browse the Internet in order to find online auction sites. Moreover, some people spend too much money on their collections. Anyway, a lot of people collect different things without making special purchases. For instance, they can collect buttons or seashells. Moreover, even if you collect some rare and expensive things, it can be a good investment. Besides, it is possible to make a decent living by collecting and disposing items. To sum up, people collect things for various reasons. Collecting gives you a chance to increase your knowledge, to meet new people and to get maximum benefit from your free time. It is as enjoyable and satisfying as many other hobbies. Online education is rapidly increasing due to the development of computer technology. It competes with traditional education on every level today. However, is online learning for everyone? In my opinion, online education has many advantages. Firstly, it offers convenience and flexibility. Students do not have to attend classes, and they can work at their own pace within a schedule that they set for themselves. Secondly, with the surge in Internet usage, online schools are growing in their offerings and quality. Moreover, online learning can be very interesting. Some universities offer online student support services, including online advising and tutoring, online textbook offer, and student newspapers. On the contrary, some people think that online learning is not as effective as traditional education. One of the disadvantages is that students cannot enjoy regular in-person interaction with their professors and peers. Online education can be a major challenge for people who find it difficult to manage their time wisely. In addition, some people think that those who choose online education do not work as much as those who choose traditional education. Anyway, having a course online does not mean that there will be less work. Online classes have deadlines and due dates for assignments. Besides, online programs give students quick access to their professors and fellow students through email or Web conferencing. To conclude, online learning differs from the traditional classroom. One of its major advantages is that those who want to receive a good education are no longer limited by geography. I think that online programs are especially convenient for disabled people and working adults with families. Today, many families are making the decision to teach children at home instead of sending them to school. Some parents believe that they can provide their children with the education they need to be successful. However, should they choose home schooling or public schooling to achieve this aim? In my opinion, homeschooling has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is very convenient because you do not need to observe school hours, days or terms. Secondly, children who have special educational needs are home educated when school cannot meet the child's needs. Thirdly, homeschooling allows parents to provide a more personalized and adaptable learning environment for the child, and the family can spend more time together. On the contrary, some people say that homeschooled children suffer from lack of communication with their peers. They may also miss out on healthy and educational activities. In addition to classes, schools organize many extracurricular activities, including sports, drama clubs and music. Anyway, homeschooled children do not face such problems as bullying or peer pressure. Besides, they still have opportunities to socialize with other kids and to form friendships. Some parents organize different activities for their homeschooled children. Kids are also involved in day-today activities such as shopping or volunteering, which gives them a chance to meet new people and to improve their social skills. To conclude, homeschooling requires perseverance and a lot of hard work. Nevertheless, it gives students an opportunity to work on just what they want and when they want. I think those who receive one-on-one instruction and have no distractions in their learning environment may achieve more. Education plays a very important role in our lives. However, is self-education for everyone? In my opinion, self-education has a number of advantages. First of all, self-taught people are not dependent on others for knowledge. They can extend their knowledge and acquire new skills whenever and wherever possible. Secondly, self-education usually costs nothing, and it does not require a fixed lifestyle. What is more, the process of self-education has become much easier with the vast amounts of information now available on the Internet. Nevertheless, some people say that they depend on teachers and tutors for guidance. They need someone who will help them, show them the way to acquire information and knowledge, and encourage their efforts to learn. Others admit that they are too lazy to choose self-education. A lot of people find it difficult to motivate and discipline themselves. Anyway, although self-education may be a challenge for many people, its rewards are numerous. It helps you to become more intelligent and open-minded. Even if a person has already obtained a degree, they can continue their self-education. To sum up, acquiring knowledge and skills is an ongoing process. Self-education gives you a chance to be anything you want to be or to do anything you want to do. I believe that the options for self-education are very flexible and the opportunities are unlimited. Studying abroad has great appeal for many people. Every year thousands of students go to foreign countries in order to participate in study-abroad programs. However, is studying abroad worth the time and cost? In my opinion, there are numerous advantages of studying in a foreign country. Firstly, those who study abroad have a chance to learn a second language or to enhance a language already learned. Secondly, immersion in a foreign culture helps students broaden their horizons. They can meet new people and experience new traditions. What is more, an international education opens employment opportunities in many countries and markets. Employers often give preference to students with overseas experience because of their knowledge, flexibility and understanding of other cultures. First of all, studying abroad may be very expensive because some countries charge full price for foreign students. Secondly, because of the language barrier and culture shock, students who study in a foreign country often have to deal with added stress to their studies. Anyway, I think that even though you may spend much money to receive a solid education abroad, you will earn it back because people with an international education usually have a lot of job options and high salaries. Besides, some study-abroad programs are sponsored by the student's school. To conclude, studying abroad offers a valuable experience and widens cultural horizons. It is especially beneficial for those who look for employment in foreign countries or in multinational organizations. To my mind, studying in another country is an exciting experience that almost everyone would like to have. There has been an ongoing debate about the pros and cons of coeducation. Some people are against coeducation, while others believe that it is the only way to receive a well-rounded education for both boys and girls. The question arises whether students should go to single-sex or mixed schools. I think that coeducation is beneficial for both boys and girls. Firstly, co-educational schools enable students to interact with the opposite sex. Co-education makes young people more flexible and prepares them for the life in the real world, where men and women live and work alongside each other. Secondly, boys and girls have different opinions, feelings, and patterns of behaviour. Mixed-gender schools teach them to accept the differences in others. Thirdly, boys and girls learn to respect each other when they interact regularly in the same environment. However, some people say that interaction with the opposite sex can be a distraction for many students. In addition, some boys and girls are shy with the other gender. They may be afraid to raise their hand or to express their opinions during group work, which can hinder their academic performance. Anyway, I think that it is important for young people to feel as confident when they spend time with students of the opposite sex as when they socialize with the same sex. Students who attend single-gender schools may experience difficulty in interacting with the opposite sex. To conclude, co-education gives students a chance to improve their social skills and to become open-minded. Boys and girls can learn many useful things from each other. I believe that mixed-gender classes are more effective than single-sex classes. Some people say that making studying enjoyable is the most important aspect of teaching. Others believe that learning is hard work, and it has nothing to do with fun. So should teachers try to make the learning process more interesting and satisfying for students? I think there is no reason why learning cannot be interesting and pleasurable. Firstly, when the lesson is fun, all students are enthusiastic about learning. Secondly, using games, puzzles, and other interesting tasks encourages all students, even shy ones, to participate actively in the learning process. Besides, students will recognize that a teacher has made an effort to prepare for the lesson, and they will respect him more. However, some people believe that school is a place where students are supposed to acquire knowledge, but not have fun. They think that students should be able to perform difficult and boring tasks, and that entertaining activities may have a negative impact on their academic performance. Additionally, some people say that teachers should pay more attention to discipline problems or those students who are lagging behind the rest of the class instead of making studying fun. Anyway, I believe that when studying is pleasurable and amusing, students learn better. Moreover, when they find learning enjoyable, they are not likely to cause discipline problems because all their attention is on the lesson. To conclude, there are many ways to create an enjoyable working environment for students and to make even difficult tasks more agreeable. Once students have found that studying can be a pleasure, they will make academic progress. Teachers should make efforts to provide an atmosphere that will encourage students to learn. The vast majority of people say that universities offer excellent academic and social opportunities. However, is higher education really worth the time and cost? In my opinion, a university degree gives students numerous advantages. Firstly, a university education gives students access to a lot of courses and subjects and allows them to specialize. Secondly, a person with higher education has more job options than a school-leaver. Today, employers are looking for those who are fully trained in the profession. A degree will certainly help young people meet tough job requirements. In addition, those who go to university usually have better communication and social skills than those who begin to work right out of secondary school. Nevertheless, some young people think that secondary education is sufficient to obtain a job. Many companies have their own training programs for their employees. Moreover, a university education is time-consuming and expensive, so it may be better to invest the money you would have spent on your degree into a business. Anyway, I think that even though you may spend much money to receive a higher education, you will earn it back because a person with a university degree usually earns more than someone with only secondary education. To sum up, a university education prepares young people for life and increases their career prospects. Graduates are considered to be intelligent, broad-minded, flexible, self-reliant, and independent. I believe that they are more likely to get a good job and to succeed. Today, virtual schools and online programs are available to almost everyone. Computers are becoming more and more sophisticated, and they offer students the opportunity to learn. Does that mean the traditional classroom teacher will be replaced by the electronic machine in the future? In my opinion, the learning process is impossible without teachers. Firstly, they serve as a positive role model for young people. Secondly, teachers help students become critical thinkers and researchers. They teach young people to set goals, to analyse information, to gather data, and to draw conclusions. However, some people believe that we do not need teachers any more. With computers, learning can be round-the-clock, and it can happen anywhere in the world. Besides, computers can provide students with detailed information about a wide variety of subjects, and they can present it in the form and pace that is suitable for each student. Anyway, the role of teachers is not just to transmit knowledge to students and to correct their mistakes. They also teach young people to communicate with each other, to respect their classmates, and to be part of a team. If we use computers instead of teachers, children may become as unemotional as electronic machines. To conclude, the teacher serves as an educator, a mentor, and a guide. The teacher motivates students, inspires them to acquire knowledge and skills, and helps them become self-disciplined and responsible for their actions. I think technology can hardly ever replace the teacher in the classroom because no computer will encourage you to learn or try to find an individual approach to your needs. Most people have to take exams at certain points of their lives. However, are exams really a good way of testing students? In my opinion, exams are very useful. Firstly, they make students face an intellectual challenge and test their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Secondly, exams encourage young people to improve their knowledge of the subject and to revise information that has been learnt over a period of time. In addition, students always know that they are to take exams at the end of the term and learn the new material so that they will not have to cram later. On the contrary, some people think that the results of exams are not always quite objective. Sometimes students who often miss classes receive passing grades as easily as those who have attended classes regularly. It is obvious that they have crammed or figured out a way to cheat. Besides, exams can cause considerable stress. Some students fail exams because of fear or anxiety about not passing. Anyway, I still believe that exams are important because they help teachers understand whether students are ready to be promoted to the next level. Besides, students will have no opportunity to cheat if the examination procedure is strict. To conclude, it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for an exam. Exams make students work hard, try to understand complicated material and retain information for their future tests and exams. I think preparing for exams teaches students self-discipline and time management skills that will be useful in the future. Some people think that homework is rote work that takes much time, without offering students any benefit. However, others say that though boring, homework is going to benefit students later in life. The question arises whether schoolchildren should be assigned homework. Personally, I think that homework has a number of advantages. Firstly, it helps students understand and retain the information they are learning and prepares them for upcoming lessons. Secondly, homework extends the learning process and teaches students to gain skills and knowledge independently. In addition, homework teaches young people responsibility, discipline and time management skills. Nevertheless, some people believe that too much homework may cause more harm than good. Firstly, schoolchildren who spend a lot of time doing homework may feel stressed and lose interest in school. Secondly, children need time for other activities. Many students spend their time completing homework assignments rather than exercising, playing sports, or socializing with their friends and family. Anyway, I believe that homework gives parents and children an opportunity to interact and spend more time together. Besides, students can develop a routine that will enable them to finish their homework efficiently. Today, students have to study many subjects. However, can students be allowed to decide what they want to study? In my opinion, students should be able to choose the subjects they want to study. Firstly, it gives them freedom and independence. Secondly, if students are encouraged to study the subjects they love, they will get better grades. What is more, if students are forced to learn all subjects, they might do poorly in school or drop out of school. Nevertheless, some people think that students should learn all subjects because it broadens their horizons and makes them well rounded. Besides, if students are allowed to choose what they want to study, they may go for the easiest and most enjoyable subjects or the subjects that their friends are taking or that their parents find useful. Anyway, I think that although some students need guidance, they should have some say in what they are taught at school. Most schoolchildren know what sparks their interest and what they are talented at. If their courses are more flexible and selective, students are more likely to excel academically. Nobody should decide which elective classes a student will study except students themselves. I believe that young people will have a more positive attitude towards school if they are allowed to choose the subjects that they like. However, is it a good idea to eliminate grading? In my opinion, schools cannot do without grades. Firstly, they serve to monitor the student's progress. Without grades, students would have little idea about their progress and failures and would not be able to compare their results with those of their classmates. Thirdly, grades help both students and teachers to stay organized and to set goals. Nevertheless, some people think that learning without grades has some advantages. Firstly, it can teach students to value learning instead of rewards and not to be afraid of failures and punishments. Low grades can make students less confident and less willing to learn. Besides, teachers may favour one student over another. Therefore, one more disadvantage of the grading system is its subjectivity. Anyway, I believe that low grades can also encourage students to work harder in order to improve their academic performance. At the same time, higher grades give students satisfaction and show them that they are making good progress. To conclude, grades provide an incentive for students to study and to improve their skills. They teach young people to evaluate their own work and to put more effort into their schoolwork in order to achieve success. That is why I think that grades should be an integral part of any educational system. Today, computers are being used in schools, and new technologies are being integrated into lesson plans. However, the use of computers in the classroom raises questions about whether they are beneficial to learning and whether they are going to make textbooks obsolete in the future. Will computers change the way students are taught at school? I think there is a possibility that computers and laptops may replace traditional textbooks in the future. Firstly, computers can store a lot of books and give both students and teachers immediate access to current information. Secondly, computers can motivate students and make learning more enjoyable. In addition, laptops are easier to carry because they weigh less than a backpack full of hardcover textbooks. On the contrary, some people believe that textbooks will not disappear. Firstly, they are cheaper, easier to use, and they are less likely to cause eye strain when used over long periods of time. Secondly, computers can isolate students as they work on individual projects at their own speed. When students work together, they learn to respect their classmates, to resolve conflicts and to be part of a team. Nevertheless, textbooks and encyclopaedias may contain outdated information. Besides, as students learn at different rates, computers can help those who need assistance and provide more advanced students with additional information and further learning activities. To conclude, technology is becoming an important part of education. Educational software is an excellent supplement to traditional textbooks. I think that teachers should move with the times and use up-to-date technology in the classroom to make their lessons more interesting. Today, schools use standardized tests and drills that stifle creativity. Some people think that it is important to bring creativity into the classroom rather than merely teach students basic skills. However, should creativity be promoted in schools? In my opinion, teachers should encourage creativity. Firstly, the ability to solve problems creatively plays a significant role in building a successful career. Besides, students love to be creative and to use imagination in order to produce new ideas and things. Nevertheless, some people say that not all subjects are equally conducive to creativity. Students can be creative when they are assigned to write an essay or to do a project, but it is difficult for schoolchildren to use their imagination when they are given mathematical problems to solve. Additionally, those who think outside the box are sometimes discouraged from being creative because not all students are equally inventive, and some of them may feel inferior to others. Anyway, I believe that although some students are more creative than others, it does not mean that the teacher should not encourage creativity in the classroom. On the contrary, the teacher should provide more assistance to those who find it difficult to use their creativity and imagination. I think that even a teacher of mathematics can encourage creativity by teaching students to explore, investigate, and discover. To conclude, creativity is essential to the future success of the student. Creative people can come up with innovative ideas, and they are often able to see options and solutions where others cannot. I think students need to express themselves creatively at school. The use of punishments in the classroom is so controversial that it provokes an ongoing debate. Some people believe that punishment helps teachers to create an effective learning environment for students, while others are against using punishment at school. Is it really a good idea to punish students for bad behaviour and low grades? In my opinion, punishment in the classroom has more positives than negatives. Firstly, it makes students realize what kind of behaviour is inappropriate in the classroom setting. Punishment can eliminate or prevent bad behaviour because students know that they will have to face the consequences of their actions. Secondly, it is well known that students find any punishment unpleasant, so they try to be well-behaved and to get good grades in order to avoid receiving it. Thirdly, punishment teaches students to respect authority and their classmates. However, some people believe that punishment humiliates students. It fills children with fear and guilt, and they may lose interest in learning. Besides, students who are put in detention or sent to the principal's office as a punishment are taken away from their lessons. Anyway, I think that some punishments do not make students feel ashamed or embarrassed. For example, giving schoolchildren some extra work as a punishment encourages them to improve their knowledge of the subject and to become more disciplined. To sum up, schoolchildren need to learn that those who misbehave deserve punishment, while good behaviour is rewarded. There are different punishments that help teachers to improve school results and to discourage students from breaking school rules. Today, many teenagers choose to get part-time jobs. Most parents encourage their children to work; others think that their kids need to focus on their studies. Is it really a good idea to get a job while still in school? In my opinion, jobs offer a lot of benefits to young people. Firstly, teenagers who work learn to manage money. Thirdly, teenagers learn to work as a team and to interact with all types of people. However, some people say that balancing work and school can be difficult. In addition, teenagers with jobs do not have an opportunity to relax and to exercise and spend less time with their families and friends. Anyway, I think there is no reason why teenagers should not have jobs, as long as they work hours that allow them to finish their homework, to participate in extracurricular activities and to socialize with their peers. Besides, as young people with jobs have less free time, they are less likely to get into trouble. To conclude, having a job teaches young people about responsibility and helps them acquire skills that will be useful in the future. Teenagers with jobs often develop a sense of maturity and self-confidence and gain work experience. I think that the jobs young people choose give them a chance to try different things and help them define their place in the world. With recent advances in technology, including the growth in telecommuting, many people have a chance to work at home. Some of them think that to work from home means to get up late and to work in their pyjamas. However, is it really as perfect as it seems to be? In my opinion, working at home has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, there may be too many distractions from family members and friends. Secondly, those who work at home may suffer from social isolation. They often miss office socializing and the chance to chat with their colleagues. Thirdly, working from home is only for those who are self-motivated and self-reliant. People who depend on guidance and lack self-discipline will find working from home challenging. Nevertheless, some people say that the advantage of working from home is that you can create a flexible work schedule that suits your lifestyle. Working from home allows you to spend more time with your family, which is especially convenient for those who have kids or handicapped family members living with them. In addition, you can save a lot of time and money because you do not have to travel to and from work. Anyway, some work-from-home jobs require travel. Besides, you may have to commute for certain meetings. Moreover, sometimes those who work from home do not take breaks and overwork. To sum up, one should never forget that working at home is still working. It requires commitment, discipline, and good time management skills. Personally, I would prefer to work at an office because I think it is difficult to create a good working environment at home. Some people would prefer to work at an enjoyable job for less money; others would choose the job that offers more money even if they do not like it. A high salary often plays a key role in career decisions. However, should your career choice be based solely on future earnings? Personally, I think that money is not the most important thing. Firstly, those who work only for the money may never find true fulfilment in the jobs that they do. Secondly, people who work in uncomfortable or dangerous conditions, lack benefits or have no opportunities for promotion will hardly be satisfied with their jobs no matter how much they are paid. Thirdly, if your work is well-paid but repetitive and tedious, you are likely to resign sooner or later. Nevertheless, a lot of people say that the main factor in their jobs is the money that they are paid to do them. Many employees have families to support and need enough money to maintain a lifestyle they want. Besides, if they receive a high salary, they feel that other people value their competence and professionalism. Anyway, I believe that a low salary does not mean that a person who receives it is unqualified. To conclude, the job that you will choose is going to affect your physical, mental and emotional well-being. When you look for a job, you should think of a career that will be intellectually rewarding and personally fulfilling. I think that people who are satisfied with their jobs are happier and have better health. Some people believe that only talented employees can build a successful career. Others think that it is more important to be hard-working and self-disciplined. So what is the key to success? I think it is more important to be disciplined than talented. Firstly, any work requires the ability to control your own behaviour. If employees lack discipline and do not do what they are expected to do, they will not be able to achieve professional success. Those who are often late for work or miss deadlines may be fired. Secondly, disciplined employees know how to put their time to best use, which leads to increased profit for an organization. Thirdly, disciplined employees can create a pleasant environment in which they can work efficiently. However, some people say that those who do not have talent become ordinary hard workers, but they will hardly become outstanding or produce any new ideas or things. Besides, one needs talent for many professions. For example, it is impossible to be a great artist or songwriter if you do not have a natural ability to paint or to write poetry and music. Besides talent, one needs diligence and perseverance to be successful even in these professions. It is well known that if you do not work hard to develop your talent, you are likely to waste it. To conclude, discipline is important in all aspects of life, including work. Everybody needs a good deal of discipline to be more productive and successful. If you want to achieve whatever goals you set for your life, you should work hard, but first you need to learn to discipline yourself. Some young people choose careers that mirror their family members' professions; others try to succeed in a different field. Is it really a good idea to do the same job as someone in your family? Firstly, those who sacrifice their personal interests and talents for their families and choose a career that they do not find fulfilling may feel dissatisfied with their jobs. Secondly, when parents encourage their kids to enter their field, they sometimes push them too hard, which can have a negative impact on family relationships. Thirdly, when young people work in the family business, it is difficult for them to separate family matters and work matters. However, some people say that family contacts can help young people to obtain an occupation. Besides, adolescents can see the benefits and disadvantages of their parents' careers. They usually feel more secure about the future when they work with people that they trust. Anyway, I still believe that young people should choose careers that align with their personal interests and skills. To my mind, a boy who is interested in music will be unhappy if he becomes an engineer like his father. Young people need to decide whether a career in the same field is for them, or whether they want to take the opposite route. I think they need to explore any career opportunities. Some years ago, a lot of employees preferred to work at a company for most of their professional lives. However, nowadays it is much more difficult to stay with the same business for a long time. Does that mean that people should now change their jobs more often than they did in the past? In my opinion, changing jobs may have plenty of benefits. The main advantage of moving from job to job is finding the one that you will enjoy or that will allow you to earn more money. Secondly, changing jobs will give you great experience because you will have a chance to work with different people and to perform various tasks. Thirdly, those who have worked at the same company for many years may be afraid of any changes. Such employees do not resign even if they are dissatisfied with their jobs. Nevertheless, some people believe that it is better to work at the same company for a long period of time. Firstly, those who constantly change their jobs may be viewed as people who cannot be committed to the organization. In addition, job-hoppers never build long-term relationships with their co-workers. Anyway, I believe that a skilled employee will have no difficulty in finding a new job. Besides, sociable people can easily make friends with their colleagues. To conclude, a career change can be very beneficial. If you do not enjoy your work or your employer does not offer any opportunities for career advancement, you should probably think about looking for another job. I am sure you will be happier if you love the work that you do. Due to the transition to global business, a lot of people now have a chance to work in a foreign country. Some employees prefer to work in their own country, while others find working overseas very appealing. However, does working abroad offer many advantages? In my opinion, working in a foreign country can be very rewarding. First and foremost, those who work abroad have an opportunity to experience a new country and culture while getting paid in the process. Secondly, they gain valuable work experience that can help them to build a successful career.
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